Welcome to Hell,This is the page that will offer you pics and deep philosophy statements, also write and tell me your veiws on soaps, such as dawson's creek-fun, but no cigar.
Topic of the month-what does the pepper mean to you?
Honestly, how long could you look at these peppers and describe which is the greater? The green one must have a higher value being fewer, but the red is so rich and powerful, red is definatly my favourite for it displays lust.
Power may be according to some the root of all evil but to me it really is important, I know that I can handle power and have a deep need for it but I will not let that get the better of me. I could really handle it.
The root of all evil?
Teen angst-Self-harm, why?
Slitting wrists, self harm why do I and many others go there it is such a strange thing that so many people feel so compelled to do it, I personally like the taste of blood but you, why do you do it? Is it teen angst, peer pressure or the general stresses of life? please E-mail me with your veiws on this and what you do and why. Any information you can send me on the great philosephers an your own theorys in philosophy would be great. Do you honestly hate dawsons creek or are you one of the great followers?
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